Friday, June 4, 2010

Overnight rebuild of my very first motorbike

For you late nighters, I'll be updating with pictures (crappy camera phone) as we progress. I'm stuck at work watching mulch smolder (CSI stuff) from midnight to noon so I decided to help a buddy of mine rebuild my first build while we "work". It's a shwinn with an 80 cc engine on it. Custom pipe and whatnot.

Here's the frame and the tank painted with Rustoleum Hammered Bronze. It used to be all low gloss black.

New sprocket: 44 tooth

Truing with a few hands and a sharpie:

Tank painted with hammered bronze, taped, and covered with gloss black (that's the hammered crap coming through the black paint (meh):

Some wiring (CDI, kill switch, headlight that we forgot to bring):

Engine cleaning con starter fluid:

Rolling chassis assemblification:

Mostly assembled (sans tank, cables, and brakes):

Custom Conduit. Got the exhaust on at 6:00 AM. Tank's still drying:

Tank es finito! Muy bueno ghetto (my spanish suuuucks):

Tank on top at 6:30 AM:

Exhaust shot (Awwww yeahhhhh, some of you peoples like the skinny tires. Beat that!):

That's it for tonight. The bike is mostly finished. Just needs the parts my homey forgot to bring (clutch shaft, brake pads, a couple nuts, and some other random parts. Btw, after the engine mods, the top speed with the old final sprocket was 40 mph. That was a lot of fun haha.

Here's a final shot for the photograghers out there. The best I can do with a camera phone. I hope you enjoy it to the max.


  1. Oh......I have a picture for you I have to dig out.

    That is very cool.

  2. looks kickass but what's up with the cobra?

  3. that snake of an exhaust. metaphors. i'm sorry. i think i'm clever.

    thanks for the wheel lacing, guys!
