Friday, June 18, 2010

Prep and Powdercoating CBR 600RR Fuel Cap

To thank my brother for being the Best Man at my wedding, I decided to paint up his bike and do some powdercoating. He had recently moved to Arizona and we were going to ship his bike out to him. He had no clue we were doing anything to the bike, but he had always wanted to paint his bike white with pc'ed metals. Everything for these bikes is pretty straight forward except for the fuel cap, I guess. It looked like a few people had stumbled over how to tear them down

If anyone really wants to know anything about this, feel free to send me a message if the pictures arent clear. Otherwise, I'm just going to post up some pretty pictures of the fuel cap deconstruction and a few of the finished bike.

Remove Cap (3 screws) and get tools
(flathead and philips, JIS if you have it):

Peel up the rubber seal and remove the metal ring underneath:

Metal ring has a notch for alignment, just keep that in mind:

Push back rubber seal again and remove the philips head
screws holding the latch to the top plate. Leave them in their
respective holes for easier install:

Latch, key, inner ring, and cover now separated:

Remove two screws holding the key door on
and slide key door through slot:

Remove key door o-ring seal:

Be sure to remove false screws on the outer ring of the
cover before coating. Inventory your parts: Latch mechanism,
fuel door cover, metal seal ring, four false screws,
three mounting screws, two key door hinge screws,
key door hinge spring plate, key door, Key door o-ring seal.

Clean and powdercoat to your liking:

Before (taken in the fall):

After (taken in the early spring so the sunlight
was hard to get right):

The bike is now Ibis white with sateen black pegs, controls, fuel cap, and frame sliders. We shipped it out to him and he flipped. He was happier than a coondog on a bare leg.

Or, happier than a fat cat in a small box. Git it Twinkie!


  1. The bike was really nice. But after the powder coating, it looks much better. I bet your brother must have loved his newly-coated bike. He must have been so happy and surprise to see that it wasn’t black anymore. You did a great job!

    ~Lonnie Summerall

  2. Oh,the bike turns into a beautiful bike after doing powder coating. Great JOb
