Thursday, September 9, 2010

My GrandPappies New Toy

My Granddad called me up a little while ago and asked me if I knew anything about the old military harleys used in WWII. We talked for a while about his old bikes and the one he was looking at. In the end it turns out the bike he had found was a hodge-podge of different parts and wasn't really what he was looking for. But at the root of the conversation, he was looking for a vintage motorcycle with a sidecar to putt around in. He's going on 84 and is as sharp as a fresh edge on sheet metal.

I took a look around and found a few things within his budget. In the end, he settled on a bike that reminded him of something he saw quite often during his time in Okinawa. The bike he is picking up is a 1977 BMW R100/7 with a nice sidecar. When he was in Okinawa, there were probably quite a few knock off's of the old BMW boxer engines floating about.

The 77 beamer has full luggage, windscreens for the hack and the bike, muddies, floorboards, new rubber on all three corners, and a pile of extras. The paint is in great shape and he's pretty happy about the whole thing.

Here are a few small pictures of the bike. I have to pick it up for him so I'll snag a few more pictures then. I'm going to go through it a bit, make sure things are kosher and then take it for a spin.

Nice looking bike! In a little bit we'll get something up about John's new find, which is also a BMW... Sort of.

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