Friday, May 3, 2013

Cheap helicoil taps not worth the risk

I helicoiled the threads for the cam tower bolts to increase strength and prevent them from pulling out. On the last hole, the helicoil bound ever so slightly and broke the tip of the soft metal insert tool. I had a mangled pile of metal jammed deep into the head. Fun.
1 hour was spent with a pick, surgical pliers, and a tiny tiny flash light. Once I got the broken tool piece out of the way I bent the top portion of the helicoil into the center of the bore. Then I grabbed it with the pliers and slowly twisted it out.
I cleaned the rest of the metal out, followed the threads with the helicoil tap, and reinserted another helicoil with a quality insert tool.

Moral of the story: Dont skimp on helicoil tools.


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