Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Carls Konged '78 CB750

Spent some time over at Carl's today to help get his bike back on the road. Needed lots of love after being his sole mode of transportation for a long time and then shoved in the corner for a few years like an old broom.

Just a few things off the checklist (stock k8 engine):

Set points:
Gap 0.012" to 0.016"
Static set 1-4 timing on F-mark with ohmeter
Static set 2-3 timing
Lock plate and roll.

Valve Lash:
E.O.I.C method
Intake 0.002"
Exhaust 0.003"

Set cam chain tensioner:
Push kicker to get tension on the front of the cam chain and slack on the rear. Loosen lock nut on tensioner and back out the set screw. Listen for movement in the tensioner and lock down the set screw and lock nut.

After setting the valve lash, I successfully snapped a Tappet cover off. Good word of advice: Just snug the Tappet covers down lightly. This one was fatigued or already broken because I didn't even get the gasket seated to the valve cover before it popped.

Meanwhile Carl replaced the fuel pump in his car. Lovely day.

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